Mr.PAUL BHARDWAJ +1 (416) 500-0511


LOK SEWA DAL (R) PHAGWAARA o/a HELP A KIDS is an NGO establish in 1977 by a group of concern citizens to help needy children around us.
Our aim is to Provide education, help young children and prepare them to set better goals  and showing our young people how to succeed in life.  We are dedicated to help in the MEDICAL FIELD, EDUCATION  FIELD for  young girls and boys.

Our programs it is made possible donations through contributions and strictly on a volunteer basis from our members with the intent of providing assistance to the needy. 
Your contribution will make a significant change in a life of a child and their families. 

Together We can Make a Difference
Since 1977 years Our Organization has touched the lives of  many children through its programs and services – providing a basic needs  of equipment , medical care, nutrition, and education. This is not by any means an easy feat. It has only been made possible due to the generosity of people and groups who believed they could make a difference to the lives of under-privileged children.

How Can You Help Us
There are several different ways in which you can help. You can Help with medical bills for people who cannot afford for surgery and  treatment of physically disabled children. You can help us spread awareness about our programs. You can sponsor for education of  our children. You can help us meet the costs of running Medical Camps and Wedding Programs by donating money to our organization.